How do you persuade the world that IBM is not just an old-school purveyor of hulking hardware, but a savvy & nimble tech guru focused on business consulting and services?
In almost three years of full-time consulting with Ogilvy, David interviewed scores of IBM customers and used their stories to craft innumerable testimonials, ads, and interactive presentations -- helping to usher Big Blue's stodgy image to the precipice of hipness. Along the way, he scripted and directed dozens of award-winning animations, oversaw designers and illustrators, masterminded music sessions, and managed junior creative teams working on many other facets of the IBM business.
In almost three years of full-time consulting with Ogilvy, David interviewed scores of IBM customers and used their stories to craft innumerable testimonials, ads, and interactive presentations -- helping to usher Big Blue's stodgy image to the precipice of hipness. Along the way, he scripted and directed dozens of award-winning animations, oversaw designers and illustrators, masterminded music sessions, and managed junior creative teams working on many other facets of the IBM business.

The campaign won virtually every creative award known to admankind.